Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun Weekend

I went to outdoor quilt show.  This is one of the quilt show I really enjoy every year.  this year I walked around with Pam aka PKM and her friend Deb.  The weather was perfect autumn day, and three of us really had a wonderful day.

This year's featured quilter was my dear friend, Sandy Klop aka American Jane.  She had 200 beautiful quilts of her own displayed at the show.  Wow, Sandy, you are so talented!  Here are some of my favorites from her collection.  You want to see more pictures of the quilts?  Visit Pam's blog here.

Every year, I feel like this is the beginning of the quilting season.  Summer ended, and kids are back to school.  Feeling the cool outdoor air under the huge oak tree, my eyes are deeply enchanted by beautiful quilts and colorful flowers at Alden Lane Nursery.  I'm motivated once again to create something new!

After my son's hockey practice on Sunday, my husband and I have quickly decided to go to the beach to see the sunset.  Wow, what a way of concluding the fun weekend!  I was exposed to plentiful of Autumn colors!
Happy quilting!

1 comment:

PamKittyMorning said...

It was so fun to visit and hang out! Your pictures turned out so good. I notice the one with the crazy berries and the quilt turned out good.. mine were all bad. We should meet again soon!! PROBABLY AT MARKET!